Saturday, July 30, 2011

5 Unique Animals

this world is full with unique animals. from vetebrata until invertebrata. a lot of them different each other. here will explain about 7 unique animals in the world

1. king heriang
heriang bird usually see as black,ugly and boring bird. but, king heriang is a colorful bird. the body is white, while the head covered by all colors.

2. japanish spider crab
the biggest antropoda, this crab has 4 meters long feet, and 20 kg weight. it can live for thousand years

3. sea spider
it look likes a spider, live in the difference deep in the sea. it has a long feet. the biggest from this spesies id clossendeis colossea

4. water bear
this small animal is 1 of the best thing that ever exist. they can live anywhere, from the hottest place to the coolest one.


5. Megalopyge Opercularis
This kind of hairy moth, especially as a caterpillar. Renowned for some titles, like a moth cat / cat caterpillar, southern flannel moth, and venomous caterpillars, moths are more similar than the Persian cat caterpillar. They may look cute but NEVER touch it. Like most caterpillars, small insects has a defense system: their hair is actually poisonous spines. Touch it will not kill, but it will hurt and cause scars. First aid should be done if accidentally touched this caterpillar. They use their fur as a cocoon.

6. Sponger coconut

Artropoda greatest living on land (weight reached 4.1 pounds), hermit crab is known to climb coconut trees and eat the fruit. Unlike other hermit crab, only the children who wear leather shell. The older one usually wearing a coconut shell. Their color, colorful, such as orange and blue. They are rumored to steal shiny objects.

7. hairy frog
this african frog has hair, actually it is a skin structure seems like hair. the unique fact is it has claw

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