Saturday, July 30, 2011

5 Unique Animals

this world is full with unique animals. from vetebrata until invertebrata. a lot of them different each other. here will explain about 7 unique animals in the world 1. king heriang heriang bird usually see as black,ugly and boring bird. but, king heriang is a colorful bird. the body is white, while the head covered by all colors. 2. japanish spider crab the biggest antropoda,...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Unique animal

1. Pelochelys cantorii (Cantor's giant soft-shelled turtle) The turtle is found primarily in inland, slow-moving fresh water rivers and streams. Cantor's giant soft-shelled turtles can grow up to 6 feet (about 2 meters) in length and weigh more than 100 pounds (about 50 kilograms).     2. Matamata Turtle   The mata mata inhabits slow moving, blackwater...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

10 Countries with the most beautiful snow

Almost all countries that are beyond the line of latitude 40 degrees south and 40 degrees north latitude is always experiencing snowfall in certain periods. Falling Snow sometimes is beauty, but also can exacerbate the beauty. Lots of countries have beautiful scenery due to the snow. And from about six dozen countries that feel the falling snow, there is a list of 10 countries...

Monday, January 24, 2011

10 Story of the Strange & Unique Birth

Isi paragraf tampil 1. Women who give birth the children with the birth of a unique time A Michigan housewife named Barbara Sopher, celebrating the birthday of his daughter, Cearra on December 10, month 10, year 2010 (10/10/10), followed by his son who was born on December 9, month 9, in 2009 (09 / 9.9), and another daughter who was born on December 8, month 8, year 2008 (08/08/08). It's really strange, but Barbara and her husband admitted that he never planned pattern of birth children are unique.  2. Babies born at 1:11 on 1/11/2011...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

List of The Most Powerfull war

List of Most Powerful in the World War Israeli-Palestinian War Occurred from 1948 when the British who seized Palestinian land from the Turkish Ottoman Empire gave to the Jews in order to rebuild the "homeland" since they were expelled from the region because of "insubordination" to God since thousands of years ago. The Middle Eastern...

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